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Ghost Hunting



Ghost Investigating Tips

Be respectful: When conducting investigations, be respectful of the area that you're in. Please don't litter, sit on headstones, deface property, or walk on graves. Also, remember that ghosts and spirits were once people just like you and I, and have feelings just like you and I. Speak to them just as you would if another person were standing in front of you. Treat them the way you'd want people to treat you. Invite them to be in your photos.

Don't go alone: Always have at least one other person with you, especially when you're investigating abandoned or secluded places. Carry a cell phone if you can.

Don't antagonize entities: For your safety please don't dare entities to attack you in any way! Scoffing and daring during an investigation has only proven to lead to unexpected and sometimes dangerous results.

Explore known haunts: Investigate places that you've heard to be haunted or have some paranormal activity. If you don't know of any places, then try starting out at cemeteries, churches, hospitals, morgues, mortuaries, or older buildings. Be careful not to trespass onto private property without permission. Breaking and entering is a crime.

Use equipment: You can use items such as EMF detectors, dowsing rods, thermometers, compasses, help you find changes in magnetic energy that could indicate the presence of a ghost. Be sure that you rule out the presence of power lines, microwave, television, etc. Some claim that using a strobe light will attract ghosts.

What not to wear? Dress comfortably, and use common sense. High heeled shoes are no good for hiking, nor are they any good if they're noisy as you walk across a floor. Try to avoid wearing bright shiny objects such as large belt buckles and metallic hair ties. These can reflect light, and cause false positives in your photos and video. Use non-metallic hair ties when tying back long hair to keep it out of the photo. Most ghost investigators practice not wearing any cologne or perfume to rule themselves out if any scents are noted during an investigation.

Videotaping Tips

* Be sure that you understand how to operate the camcorder. You don't want to have a camcorder that does not record during the investigation. Don't forget to take off the lens cap.

* Use fresh tapes and make sure your video heads are clean.

* Make sure that the batteries are fully charged and have plenty of spares on hand. It's not unusual for brand new batteries to completely drain in only minutes at haunted locations.

* During stationary filming use a tripod, and make sure all the knobs are tight (especially if the camera is not being watched).

* If you have the equipment, modify the brightness and contrast (or the video levels) using video editing software. This might increase the ability the see the anomalies on tape.



Don't Anger Spirits


